Archaeological Assessments

Get the full story before your project begins.

Archaeological assessments are also often used as tools for due diligence, primarily as they pertain to development-related constraints. Archaeological, Paleontological and Historic Architectural assessment work offered by our firm includes:

  • Archaeological record searches (historic and prehistoric)
  • Archaeological surveys
  • Paleontological field surveys and resource assessments
  • Site evaluations and impact analysis
  • EIR cultural resource technical reports
  • Data recovery programs
  • Artifact analysis
  • Native American consultation
  • Monitoring of grading and mechanical excavations
  • Salvage collection of invertebrate, vertebrate, and plant fossils, including screen washing for micro vertebrates if necessary.
  • Specimen preparation and museum-quality curation services.
  • Fossil identification as needed to resolve engineering geotechnical requirements
  • Historic Architectural Surveys and California State Historic Preservation Office evaluations
  • Section 106 and 110 National Historic Preservation Act evaluations

See also: Biological Assessments

archaeologist digging tools site

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