Regulatory Agencies Collaboration


When the successful completion of your project is brought into question, get an expert who can advocate for you.

Many of our clients’ projects are completed under the direct regulatory agency oversight of State and local jurisdictions including the California Regional Water Quality Control Boards, the California Department of Toxic Substances Controls, the Counties of Alameda and San Diego Departments of Environmental Health, the Los Angeles County Fire Department Site Mitigation Unit and numerous other Certified Unified Program Agencies throughout the State of California. Through a strong work ethic, open lines of communication, treatment of regulatory staff as real people and presentation of high-quality data and written deliverables (i.e. work plans, technical reports, etc.) to said agencies, our work consistently assist clients with marching their sites to regulatory closure.

Our approach is to ensure that clients comply with regulatory agency directives but not agree to requests or situations where an agency caseworker may be stepping outside of the typical standard of care. Through a collaborative yet firm approach to consulting and case management, our firm puts clients’ priorities first, leading to closures and successful outcomes.

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